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Pictures: Hannu Vainiopekka
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Johansson, V. 2019. Spatial trends in mercury exposure, its dietary sources and clinical health effects in Finnish white-tailed eagle nestlings. Licentiate thesis. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Food Hygiene and Environmental Health. 46 pp.
Balotari-Chiebao, F. 2018: Spatial behaviour, habitat use and breeding performance of a longlived raptor in the context of wind energy. – Annales Universitatis Turkuensis
Vainio, R., Eulaers, I., Laaksonen, T., Vasko, V. & Jormanainen, V. 2020:
White-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) and great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) nestlings as spatial sentinels of Baltic acidic sulphate soil associated metal contamination
Balotari-Chiebao, F., Brommer, J. E., Saurola, P., Ijäs, A. & Laaksonen, T. 2018: Assessing space use by pre-breeding white-tailed eagles in the context of wind-energy development in Finland. – Landscape and Urban Planning 177: 251–258.
Isomursu, M., Koivusaari, J., Stjernberg, T., Hirvelä-Koski, V. & Venäläinen, E-R. 2018. Lead poisoning and other human-related factors cause significant mortality in white-tailed eagles. Ambio 47, 858–868
Tikkanen H, Balotari-Chiebao F, Laaksonen T, Pakanen V, Rytkönen S (2018) Habitat use of flying subadult White-tailed Eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla): implications for land use and wind power plant planning. Ornis Fenn 95:137
Balotari-Chiebao, F., Brommer, J., Niinimäki, T. & Laaksonen, T. 2016. Proximity to wind‐power plants reduces the breeding success of the white‐tailed eagle.
Balotari-Chiebao, F., Villers, A., Ijäs, A., Ovaskainen, O., Repka, S. & Laaksonen, T. 2016: Postfledging movements of white-tailed eagles: conservation implications for wind-energy development. – Ambio 5: 831–840
Ekblad C, Sulkava S, Stjernberg T, Laaksonen T (2016) Landscape-scale gradients and temporal changes in the prey species of the white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla). Ann Zool Fenn 53:228-240. doi: 10.5735/086.053.0401
Ponnikas S, Kvist L, Ollila T, Stjernberg T, Orell M (2013) Genetic structure of an endangered raptor at individual and population levels. Conserv Genet 14:1135-1147. doi: 10.1007/s10592-013-0501-z
Santangeli, A., Högmander, J. & Laaksonen, T. 2013. Returning white‐tailed eagles breed as successfully in landscapes under intensive forestry regimes as in protected areas.
Herrmann, C., Krone, O., Stjernberg, T. & Helander, B. 2011. HELCOM Baltic Sea Environment Fact Sheet: Population Development of Baltic Bird Species: White-tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)
Work group of white-tailed eagle
The following people are members of the Osprey Foundation's white-tailed eagle working group
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