The Foundation uses the funds it has raised to support the conservation of birds of prey and appeals to all nature lovers – even the smallest financial support is precious and welcome. Your personal donation helps conserve birds of prey.
The Finnish Osprey Foundation accepts donations and wills, organises different kinds of events, and markets products related to birds of prey. The profits are directed to the birds of prey research and conservation.
You can make a donation to the Finnish Osprey Foundation’s bank account FI 28 5680 2720 0304 12.
Every year, the Osprey Foundation assigns grants to field workers and researchers of birds of prey and extension work. Decisions about the grants are made in February. Private persons, work groups, and associations can apply for the grants. The free-form application must include an introduction of the project, work plan, and costs estimate and it must be delivered to the Finnish Osprey Foundation by 1 February (at the latest) to the address:
Finnish Osprey Foundation
You can ask the Osprey Foundation’s CEO Markku Hyvärinen for more information about the grants by sending an email to the address